Discover now the lovely taste of Alfa-GIN:
Good to know: We need roundabout 14 days to produce your individual Alfa-GIN.
... the incredible fruit:
The black Alfarroba fruit has its origin in East Africa. From there the plant spread to the Mediterranean and Por-tugal. Alfarroba is still part of the his-tory of the Algarve today. Every year, the black pods are harvested from the treetops with long wooden poles. Some Portuguese say that Alfarroba is “the gold of the future“.
Did you know that all dried carob pod seeds weigh 200 milligrams? Because of this property, gold & gems used to be weighed with these seeds. The metric term carat is derived from the Arabic “qirat“ = seed of carob (alfarroba).
The pods have been known to be edi-ble since ancient times and, according to legend, have saved John the Baptist from starvation. Hence the name carob. Nowadays in the Algarve region, tasty breads, cakes and sweet delicacies are made from Alfarroba flour. The annual harvest is also often used for baby food, chocolate, cocoa or coffee substitutes.
Rich in minerals, vitamins, flavonoids and antioxidants, the black fruit pro-tects against free radicals and it is said, that it prevents against some types of cancer. A recent study even shows that it attacks cancer cells and can support the repair of celldamages caused by free radicals1. The superfood Alfarroba also helps to significantly reduce cho-lesterol and LDL blood levels2 and to prevent the overproduction of the ap-petite-stimulating hormone “ghrelin“ (regulation in overweight). Alfarroba has also been successfully used for di-gestive problems, sexual disorders and inflammation of the respiratory tract.
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